Sometimes life moves pretty fast, and if you don't stop and look around, you might just miss it. ~FBDO

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Club 33

OK, so I don't get hour long lunches, and I don't get a yearly bonus, and I don't get tickets to the Dodger playoffs sitting in the executive booths, in fact I don't get really any perks as a teacher. I do work great hours and have fun most days with the one drawback of often having to bring my work home with me. This however was the absolute best "perk" I could ever get. A student on campus found out how much I absolutely LOVE all things Disney and offered up a chance for me and 2 other teachers to eat at Club 33 in Disneyland. 
I jumped, took it and had a great time. All the expected Disney magic and customer service was there and more.

On another note I spent Friday evening with the group that we began 2 years ago for CKU. We've had several additions to our group and only 1 has moved away. There are another 5-6 who we also scrap with that weren't able to make it this time. We support (read enable) each other in our hobby and scrapbook addiction. Even more importantly these get togethers are fun "girly" time.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Catch Up

So CHA (in Anaheim) was over a month ago... I'm finally getting pictures on my computer so I can post one. We 7 girls went to CHA at the end of January. We had a really great time visiting with friends we've made through various corporations and businesses, taking classes and seeing all the new products. 
This last weekend I found myself back in Anaheim. I went for 3 days to a conference for work and the medical academy. We took 2 students with us for demonstrations and they did an awesome job!! Oddly enough I found myself in Anaheim again the next day for Disneyland. This was no ordinary trip though...
A WONDERFUL student who found out how nuts I am about disneyland and Disney in general has all the right connections and I went to Club 33 with 3 others for lunch. Let me just say, it was a once in a lifetime chance for me. As soon as I get those pictures on my computer I will post one. I even got out of there with Club 33 mouse ears.